How to Stay Healthy in a Toxic World
(No Matter What Age You Are)
How to Stay Healthy in a Toxic World
(No Matter What Age You Are)

Take a quick look around…

People are sicker, fatter, and more depressed than EVER...

And the root cause isn’t some new super-virus spreading across the world,

Or all the cookies, cakes, and chips lining the grocery store shelves,

Or that most of us are confined to desks all day…

It’s that our world has evolved so fast that our bodies can’t keep up.

Technology has out-evolved the human body, and now it’s pounding the human body into submission:
  • Science supports the consumption of unhealthy foods
    (ex: Impossible Burgers were originally denied by the FDA because they were linked to cancer. The Impossible Company then funded a research study that disproved this and now toxic meat-substitute is served almost everywhere)
  • Wireless radiation is promoting cancer, disrupting our sleep, and unleashing stress chemicals in the body
  • Our water sources are polluted, and contain chemicals that mangle our hormones (these chemicals have been shown to turn male frogs into females. Imagine what they’re doing to our bodies)
  • ​There are 1 in 2 cancer rates, over 70% obesity rates, and of course the chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and autism numbers that are rapidly rising…
Take a quick look around…

People are sicker, fatter, and more depressed than EVER...

And the root cause isn’t some new super-virus spreading across the world,

Or just all the cookies, cakes, and chips lining the grocery store shelves,

Or that most of us are confined to desks all day…

It’s that our world has evolved so fast that our bodies can’t keep up.

Technology has out-evolved the human body, and now it’s pounding the human body into submission:
  • Science supports the consumption of unhealthy foods
    (ex: Impossible Burgers were originally denied by the FDA because they were linked to cancer. The Impossible Company then funded a research study that disproved this and now toxic meat-substitute is served almost everywhere)
  • Wireless radiation is promoting cancer, disrupting our sleep, and unleashing stress chemicals in the body
  • Our water sources are polluted, and contain chemicals that mangle our hormones (these chemicals have been shown to turn male frogs into females. Imagine what they’re doing to our bodies)
  • ​There are 1 in 2 cancer rates, over 70% obesity rates, and of course the chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and autism numbers that are rapidly rising…
I don’t want to sound like Chicken Little, 

Running around screaming “the sky is falling”...

But I will say, it seems that this world has been recreated in the vision of those with the most resources. The ad executives, Hollywood film makers, record labels, politicians. 
And their vision doesn’t give a fuck about you, your health, or your family.
Their vision abandons our natural human needs for a world of technological pleasures that make us fat, depressed, and desperately grasping for a glimmer of hope.
People Have Become Numb to This
They’re so used to driving cars they can’t afford,

Going to jobs they hate,

Too stressed to even care about their health,

Too little time to feed themselves,

Or even think about the bigger picture.

They’re popping pills, drinking alcohol, looking for whatever escapes the TV tells them about.

I was the same way…

I don’t want to sound like Chicken Little, 

Running around screaming “the sky is falling”...

But I will say, it seems that this world has been recreated in the vision of those with the most resources. The ad executives, Hollywood film makers, politicians. 

And their vision doesn’t give a fuck about you, your health, or your family.

Their vision abandons our natural human needs for a world of technological pleasures that make us fat, depressed, and desperately grasping for a glimmer of hope.
People Have Become Numb to This
They’re so used to driving cars they can’t afford,

Going to jobs they hate,

Too stressed to even care about their health,

Too little time to feed themselves,

Or even think about the bigger picture.

They’re popping pills, drinking alcohol, looking for whatever escapes the TV tells them about.

I was the same way…

I Was An Alcoholic Wanna-Be Actor Waiting Tables
 just broke up with my girlfriend after a fit of vodka-fueled rage,

I was hopelessly addicted to alcohol,

And I was just blacklisted from the modeling community, my first job after living on the street as a young man.

Yes, I was a Versace Model at one point in my life.

You read that right.

And during my stint as a model, I witnessed, and partook in, Wolf-of-Wall-Street-esque drug fiestas, vodka-fueled rages, and bunch more...

For example, us Versace models would do something called “Dancing for Dollars”
This is when club owners paid the models to frequent their clubs and have a good time to attract the average Joe, who paid almost criminal entry fees to join us.

But, the club owners didn’t just pay us in cash.

They paid us in piles of cocaine that looked like snow drifts from the Alps, balloons of heroin, stacks and stacks of alcohol, and other substances to ensure we enjoyed ourselves.

So, I’d pour booze down my throat like Niagara falls,

Pop ecstasy to light up the night,

Sniff a little snow to fend off fatigue,

And leave the club at 6 am.

After a night of partying, free pizza, booze, and whatever other substances were around, I’d stroll into my modeling gigs, and sometimes be told:

I Was An Alcoholic Wanna-Be Actor Waiting Tables
 just broke up with my girlfriend after a fit of vodka-fueled rage,

I was hopelessly addicted to alcohol,

And I was just blacklisted from the modeling community, my first job after living on the street as a young man.

Yes, I was a Versace Model at one point in my life.

You read that right.
And during my stint as a model, I witnessed, and partook in, Wolf-of-Wall-Street-esque drug fiestas, vodka-fueled rages, and bunch more...

For example, us Versace models would do something called “Dancing for Dollars”
This is when club owners paid the models to frequent their clubs and have a good time to attract the average Joe, who paid almost criminal entry fees to join us.

But, the club owners didn’t just pay us in cash.

They paid us in piles of cocaine that looked like snow drifts from the Alps, balloons of heroin, stacks and stacks of alcohol, and other substances to ensure we enjoyed ourselves.

So, I’d pour booze down my throat like Niagara falls,

Pop ecstasy to light up the night,

Sniff a little snow to fend off fatigue,

And leave the club at 6 am.

After a night of partying, free pizza, booze, and whatever other substances were around, I’d stroll into my modeling gigs, and sometimes be told:

Apparently Captain Crunch, Pop-Tarts, and a little bit of booze wasn’t real nutrition.

I didn’t have the Neanderthal gene where I could do whatever I wanted to and still look amazing.

And, I wasn’t willing to go to extremes of vomiting up the previous night’s party.

So, I held a little pouch of fat around my belly.

And that meant I was ass out of a job.

It also meant I’d be drinking a lot more.

This Is How I Got Hooked On Alcohol
Flash forward a couple of years.

I’m clean.

I have a family.

And I move into my dream home.

Or so I thought.

Soon, a silent health assassin snuck up behind me, covered my mouth with his hand, and stabbed my stable health in the back.

Apparently Captain Crunch, Pop-Tarts, and a little bit of booze wasn’t real nutrition.

I didn’t have the Neanderthal gene where I could do whatever I wanted to and still look amazing.

And, I wasn’t willing to go to extremes of vomiting up the previous night’s party.

So, I held a little pouch of fat around my belly.

And that meant I was ass out of a job.

It also meant I’d be drinking a lot more.

This Is How I Got Hooked On Alcohol
Flash forward a couple of years.

I’m clean.

I have a family.

And I move into my dream home.

Or so I thought.

Soon, a silent health assassin snuck up behind me, covered my mouth with his hand, and stabbed my stable health in the back.

I Was Exposed to Toxic Black Mold
And it destroyed me.

I couldn’t walk due to neurological issues in my legs,

The storm of fatigue it brought upon me bound me to my bed,

And soon, the toxicity snuck into my family life.

My wife and I erupted into explosive arguments every night.

My children got pneumonia in the summertime in Santa Monica,

And financial stress piled up.

Then, the inevitable happened…

I found myself sleeping on couches, struggling to breathe, and frantically searching for answers.

I Was Exposed to Toxic 
Black Mold
And it destroyed me.

I couldn’t walk due to neurological issues in my legs,

The storm of fatigue it brought upon me bound me to my bed,

And soon, the toxicity snuck into my family life.

My wife and I erupted into explosive arguments every night.

My children got pneumonia in the summertime in Santa Monica,

And financial stress piled up.

Then, the inevitable happened…

I found myself sleeping on couches, struggling to breathe, and frantically searching for answers.

These Experiences Taught Me How to Get RIPPED At 50

Being told I was fat taught me about proper nutrition:
  • It taught me how to cleanse the body to look trimmer and younger than I had in years,
  • It led me to amass a list of herbs and supplements that helped me stay trim, and provided the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients my body needed.
  • It taught me how to eat basically anything I want while keeping the fat off
  • It taught me how to eat basically anything I want while keeping the fat off
My dance with alcoholism taught me how to silence the voices of my mind:
  • It showed me how to break the chains of addiction
  • It showed me how to bask and relax in the beauty of the present moment
  • It helped me dissolve illusions and see life for what it really is

My toxic mold exposure taught me how to heal and vitalize my body through movement:
  • I learned to let go of anger and keep my body relaxed
  • I learned to work mycotoxins out of my body
  • I learned to create a healthy body, ripped body without lifting weights
My divorce with my wife taught me how to inject my body with a heavy shot of energy in less than a minute:
  • It led me to breathing exercises that regulate my sleeping patterns, and allowed me to get a good night’s rest even after breathing in toxic mold
  • It showed me how 90% of people are breathing improperly, and how I can repair my breathing to live with superior health

In short…

These experiences taught me how to be healthy in an unhealthy world

These Experiences Taught Me How to Get RIPPED At 50
Being told I was fat taught me about proper nutrition:
  • It taught me how to cleanse the body to look trimmer and younger than I had in years,
  • It led me to amass a list of herbs and supplements that helped me stay trim, and provided the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients my body needed.
  • It taught me how to eat basically anything I want while keeping the fat off
  • It taught me how to eat basically anything I want while keeping the fat off
My dance with alcoholism taught me how to silence the voices of my mind:
  • It showed me how to break the chains of addiction
  • It showed me how to bask and relax in the beauty of the present moment
  • It helped me dissolve illusions and see life for what it really is
My toxic mold exposure taught me how to heal and vitalize my body through movement:
  • I learned to let go of anger and keep my body relaxed
  • I learned to work mycotoxins out of my body
  • I learned to create a healthy body, ripped body without lifting weights
My divorce with my wife taught me how to inject my body with a heavy shot of energy in less than a minute:
  • It led me to breathing exercises that regulate my sleeping patterns, and allowed me to get a good night’s rest even after breathing in toxic mold
  • It showed me how 90% of people are breathing improperly, and how I can repair my breathing to live with superior health

In short…

These experiences taught me how to be healthy in an unhealthy world

I Want To Show You How to Get Ripped, Lean, Healthy, and Happy in the Most
Unhealthy Environment Ever Inhabited By Man

That’s why I created #RIPPEDAt50. 
RIPPED AT 50 is a journey to self love.

The book teaches you how to hoist your health onto 9 foundational pillars that are unfailing, everlasting, and indisputable. RIPPED at 50 teaches you the importance of these pillars by sharing my own foils and toils with health through having children, going through divorce, black mold exposure, my modeling career, and more.

I Want To Show You How to Get Ripped, Lean, Healthy, and Happy in the Most Unhealthy Environment Ever Inhabited By Man

That’s why I created#RIPPEDAt50. 
RIPPED AT 50 is a journey to self love.

The book teaches you how to hoist your health onto 9 foundational pillars that are unfailing, everlasting, and indisputable. RIPPED at 50 teaches you the importance of these pillars by sharing my own foils and toils with health through having children, going through divorce, black mold exposure, my modeling career, and more.

  • 9 Pillars of Health that are easy to follow, long-lasting, and will grab you by the hand and lead you to a life of superior health, fat-loss, and happiness
  • How GMOs destroy your gut and create cravings for carbs, sugars, and unhealthy foods, and what you can do to fix it
  • The JERF solution to fix your diet and melt off fat without tracking macros or giving up carbohydrates
  • An easy-to-follow hierarchy for ranking the “healthiness” of food
  • How too much good bacteria in your gut can create a storm of health problems
  • The #1 carcinogenic substance to watch out for that’s commonly found in your breakfast cereals, pop-tarts, breads, oatmeal, and more
  • A common breakfast food that could be the source of your allergies, sinus issues, and constipation
  • ​Exercises designed to help you articulate your legacy, find the person you truly want to be, and start living a life of purpose and intent
  • The Four White Devils that are staples of the Western Diet, but create devastating health problems like obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Almost every household has ALL FOUR of these devils right in the pantry
  • Short sleep=Short life. Scientists agree on this fact. Inside RIPPEDAT50, you’ll find a series of easy-to-implement sleep optimization tips that have you falling asleep as soon as you hit the pillow and waking up feeling refreshed
  • Your community of microbes in your gut plays a bigger hand in your health than your human genes do. Find out the easiest way to keep your microbiome healthy and balance without going vegan, detoxing every month, or spending money on a tank of supplement
  • You don’t need to lift weights, climb Mt. Everest, or be an olympic athlete to be happy and fit. Find out how to create exercise and movement programs that make sense for your life and keep you feeling energized, vitalized, and refreshed instead of running you into the ground.
  • 50% of the population is literally killing themselves. Find out the easy-to-correct-mistake they’re making so you can avoid it yourself
  • The man-made sleeping ritual that creates a 24% spike in heart attacks
  • Why sleeping-in can actually be harmful to your health
  • An easy way to wind-back the clock 10 years, and possibly increase the size of your testicles
  • 3 practices that helped me heal the digestive problems, evaporate the mental stress, and cure the neurological issues that punched me in the face when I was exposed to toxic mold. If these can help push poison out of my body, it’s not far-fetched to say they can help you with your health issues
  • ​An easy way to push nutrients into every part of the body, digest food, and relieve stress all at the same time
  • The unconventional practice responsible for giving me six-pack abs without doing a single ab exercise, or even dieting
  • Breathing techniques that improve sleep quality, zap anxiety, and dismantle depression
  • An easy practice to start and end your day with to inject an explosive dose of happiness into your being
  • WAKE UP! Do THIS in the morning to wash the slumber from your eyes and the drowsiness from your mind so you can attack your day with ferocity
  • Your body produces cancer cells each day. It’s up to your immune system to kill them before they form cancerous tumors. However, if your immune system is compromised, it may not be able to get the job done. Inside RIPPEDAT50, you’ll find practices to boost your immune defense, and possibly prevent deadly diseases
  • ​The common practice of Elite Athletes, Billionaire Businessmen, and other High Achievers that prepare you to crush any goal you currently have
  • ​The ONLY exercise you need to be lean, healthy, and become the portrait of the ideal human
  • ​The 7 Factors of Stress that create disease, sickness, and unsightly weight gain
  • ​An emergency exercise, that requires no equipment or special location, that helped me endure anxiety attacks, fend off panic episodes, and break free from the prison of my mind
  • Tips to manage the radiation that slams your body with stress everywhere you go
  • And a bunch more
  • 9 Pillars of Health that are easy to follow, long-lasting, and will grab you by the hand and lead you to a life of superior health, fat-loss, and happiness
  • How GMOs destroy your gut and create cravings for carbs, sugars, and unhealthy foods, and what you can do to fix it
  • The JERF solution to fix your diet and melt off fat without tracking macros or giving up carbohydrates
  • An easy-to-follow hierarchy for ranking the “healthiness” of food
  • How too much good bacteria in your gut can create a storm of health problems
  • The #1 carcinogenic substance to watch out for that’s commonly found in your breakfast cereals, pop-tarts, breads, oatmeal, and more
  • A common breakfast food that could be the source of your allergies, sinus issues, and constipation
  • ​Exercises designed to help you articulate your legacy, find the person you truly want to be, and start living a life of purpose and intent
  • The Four White Devils that are staples of the Western Diet, but create devastating health problems like obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Almost every household has ALL FOUR of these devils right in the pantry
  • Short sleep=Short life. Scientists agree on this fact. Inside RIPPEDAT50, you’ll find a series of easy-to-implement sleep optimization tips that have you falling asleep as soon as you hit the pillow and waking up feeling refreshed
  • Your community of microbes in your gut plays a bigger hand in your health than your human genes do. Find out the easiest way to keep your microbiome healthy and balance without going vegan, detoxing every month, or spending money on a tank of supplement
  • You don’t need to lift weights, climb Mt. Everest, or be an olympic athlete to be happy and fit. Find out how to create exercise and movement programs that make sense for your life and keep you feeling energized, vitalized, and refreshed instead of running you into the ground.
  • 50% of the population is literally killing themselves. Find out the easy-to-correct-mistake they’re making so you can avoid it yourself
  • The man-made sleeping ritual that creates a 24% spike in heart attacks
  • Why sleeping-in can actually be harmful to your health
  • An easy way to wind-back the clock 10 years, and possibly increase the size of your testicles
  • 3 practices that helped me heal the digestive problems, evaporate the mental stress, and cure the neurological issues that punched me in the face when I was exposed to toxic mold. If these can help push poison out of my body, it’s not far-fetched to say they can help you with your health issues
  • ​An easy way to push nutrients into every part of the body, digest food, and relieve stress all at the same time
  • The unconventional practice responsible for giving me six-pack abs without doing a single ab exercise, or even dieting
  • Breathing techniques that improve sleep quality, zap anxiety, and dismantle depression
  • An easy practice to start and end your day with to inject an explosive dose of happiness into your being
  • WAKE UP! Do THIS in the morning to wash the slumber from your eyes and the drowsiness from your mind so you can attack your day with ferocity
  • Your body produces cancer cells each day. It’s up to your immune system to kill them before they form cancerous tumors. However, if your immune system is compromised, it may not be able to get the job done. Inside RIPPEDAT50, you’ll find practices to boost your immune defense, and possibly prevent deadly diseases
  • ​The common practice of Elite Athletes, Billionaire Businessmen, and other High Achievers that prepare you to crush any goal you currently have
  • ​The ONLY exercise you need to be lean, healthy, and become the portrait of the ideal human
  • ​The 7 Factors of Stress that create disease, sickness, and unsightly weight gain
  • ​An emergency exercise, that requires no equipment or special location, that helped me endure anxiety attacks, fend off panic episodes, and break free from the prison of my mind
  • Tips to manage the radiation that slams your body with stress everywhere you go
  • And a bunch more
When most people try to get healthy, they make a big mistake...
When most people try to get healthy, they make a big mistake...

They think to themselves:

“Oh lemme go keto, lemme go vegan, lemme go out-run my bad diet,
 lemme go HIIT, lemme go to strength train”

They’ve got one piece of the puzzle, but they’re not putting it all together.

That’s where RIPPED AT 50
Comes In

RIPPED at 50 is an integrative approach.

All over the internet, you have unhealthy vegans preaching dogma, men (who don’t tell you about their steroid cycle) teaching you how to lift, women who’ve undergone plastic surgery teaching you how to tone.

These people are selling, gimmicks, dogma, or a “system”.

And they’re using their unhealthy, artificial, cosmetic “enhancements” as a vehicle to sell them.

Ripped at 50, however, is my dynamic approach.

And I’m living it.


We’ve Lost Our Way

Health is our birthright. 

And our bodies are Ferraris. They’re high performing machines. 

But, we’ve never been given a manual, a road map, so most people treat their bodies like Ford Pinto’s.

Ripped At 50 is the manual for your high performing machine.

It’s the manual we should’ve been given since day one.

And it rests on undebatable principles of health.

I’m not telling people to be vegan, or go keto, or spend hours in the gym bodybuilding or powerlifting.

I’m going back to brass tacks.

If You Don’t Learn This,
You’re Fucked

Without the principles in this book,

There’s no shot you’ll be healthy.

We live in a very dirty, overconsumption world where everything is scientifically validated to shove garbage in your pie hole.

New technology that contains ionized radiation is about to be released, and it will circulate public places, maybe even your home, while it pounds your body in ways not even fully known to man yet.

Gender-bending chemicals and toxins are occupying the water sources that we drink from and shower in daily.

The odds are not in your favor.

If you’re not doing grounding, natural food, good hydration, getting away from
electromagnetic radiation and pollution, if you’re not detoxifying the chemical toxicity
in your body…

You’re Fucked.

They think to themselves:

“Oh lemme go keto, lemme go vegan, lemme go out-run my bad diet, lemme go HIIT, lemme go to strength train”

They’ve got one piece of the puzzle, but they’re not putting it all together.

That’s where RIPPED AT 50 Comes In

RIPPED at 50 is an integrative approach.

All over the internet, you have unhealthy vegans preaching dogma, men (who don’t tell you about their steroid cycle) teaching you how to lift, women who’ve undergone plastic surgery teaching you how to tone.

These people are selling, gimmicks, dogma, or a “system”.

And they’re using their unhealthy, artificial, cosmetic “enhancements” as a vehicle to sell them.

Ripped at 50, however, is my dynamic approach.

And I’m living it.


We’ve Lost Our Way

Health is our birthright. 

And our bodies are Ferraris. They’re high performing machines. 

But, we’ve never been given a manual, a road map, so most people treat their bodies like Ford Pinto’s.

Ripped At 50 is the manual for your high performing machine.

It’s the manual we should’ve been given since day one.

And it rests on undebatable principles of health.

I’m not telling people to be vegan, or go keto, or spend hours in the gym bodybuilding or powerlifting.

I’m going back to brass tacks.

If You Don’t Learn This, You’re Fucked

Without the principles in this book,

There’s no shot you’ll be healthy.

We live in a very dirty, overconsumption world where everything is scientifically validated to shove garbage in your pie hole.

New technology that contains ionized radiation is about to be released, and it will circulate public places, maybe even your home, while it pounds your body in ways not even fully known to man yet.

Gender-bending chemicals and toxins are occupying the water sources that we drink from and shower in daily.

The odds are not in your favor.

If you’re not doing grounding, natural food, good hydration, getting away from
electromagnetic radiation and pollution, if you’re not detoxifying the chemical toxicity
in your body…

You’re Fucked.

What Price Are You Willing to Put On Your Health?
What Price Are You Willing to Put On Your Health?

By now, you’re aware of the current, and future, health problems facing Americans.

And not just Americans, but the world.

You know that statistically, either you, or the person sitting next to you, will get cancer if you continue down the road you’re headed on…

You know that the FDA continues to put its stamp on foods that were previously deemed dangerous,

You know that obesity rates are the highest they’ve ever been, and will most likely continue to rise,

So the question is, what price are you willing to put on your health?

Americans spend $1,200 per year on prescription drugs (and in 2017, over 70,000 died from prescription drugs),

Americans lose $100 dollars per doctor visit. 

All while this book only costs $27

That’s more than fair when you think of the medical bills you could avoid, the money saved from avoiding pills and doctor’s visits, if you follow the 9 Pillars of Health laid out in this book.

Unlike fads, the 9 Principles of Health are long lasting.

But, you have to be in it for the long-haul.

While some of these principles are fast-acting, and will create an instant change in the body, others take course over the periods of days, weeks, in some cases months.

Some even take years, like the regiment I used to push mycotoxins out of my body.

I had to stick to a strict activity regiment for 5 YEARS to successfully remove all of them.

So, if you’re not prepared to invest the time required to harness the power of these timeless principles,

If you’re not ready to become a new, healthy, ripped version of yourself,

If you’re not ready to save money on pills, medical bills, doctors visits,

Don’t get RIPPED AT 50.

I get it.

It’s a lot of pressure to shed fat, clean out your gut, clear your mind of negative thought patterns, move in ways that heal the body, and commit to something bigger than yourself.

We’re capitulating to the whims of idiocy,

We’re chasing money,

We’re abandoning our humanity,

All while our long-term survival, our ecosystem is collapsing in front of us.

It’s time to rally up the troops and figure out what the hell we’re actually going to do here.

And fixing this massive problem starts with YOU.

It starts with you taking back your health, virility, vitality, and getting laid.

To be healthy is to be beautiful.

To be beautiful is to get laid.

To get laid is to produce a newer, more conscious generation.

This is a lot of responsibility.

But, if you’re ready to become a healthier, more energized, and more awake version of yourself, and accept this large responsibility, press that big button below and discover how to take back your health:

You practically become a different version of yourself.

And it requires a lot of strength, confidence, and self-esteem to show up as this new person.

Some people aren’t ready for that.

However, if you’re fed up with being at the whim of the law-makers, advertisers, Hollywood execs, and other people of power,

If you’re tired of feeling brain-foggy, lethargic, and lifeless,

If you’re finished playing Russian roulette with your food choices,

RIPPED AT 50 might be right for you...

By now, you’re aware of the current, and future, health problems facing Americans.

And not just Americans, but the world.

You know that statistically, either you, or the person sitting next to you, will get cancer if you continue down the road you’re headed on…

You know that the FDA continues to put its stamp on foods that were previously deemed dangerous,

You know that obesity rates are the highest they’ve ever been, and will most likely continue to rise,

So the question is, what price are you willing to put on your health?

Americans spend $1,200 per year on prescription drugs (and in 2017, over 70,000 died from prescription drugs),

Americans lose $100 dollars per doctor visit. 

All while this book only costs just a small $27

That’s more than fair when you think of the medical bills you could avoid, the money saved from avoiding pills and doctor’s visits, if you follow the 9 Pillars of Health laid out in this book.

Unlike fads, the 9 Principles of Health are long lasting.

But, you have to be in it for the long-haul.

While some of these principles are fast-acting, and will create an instant change in the body, others take course over the periods of days, weeks, in some cases months.

Some even take years, like the regiment I used to push mycotoxins out of my body.

I had to stick to a strict activity regiment for 5 YEARS to successfully remove all of them.

So, if you’re not prepared to invest the time required to harness the power of these timeless principles,

If you’re not ready to become a new, healthy, ripped version of yourself,

If you’re not ready to save money on pills, medical bills, doctors visits,

Don’t get RIPPED AT 50.

I get it.

It’s a lot of pressure to shed fat, clean out your gut, clear your mind of negative thought patterns, move in ways that heal the body, and commit to something bigger than yourself.

We’re capitulating to the whims of idiocy,

We’re chasing money,

We’re abandoning our humanity,

All while our long-term survival, our ecosystem is collapsing in front of us.

It’s time to rally up the troops and figure out what the hell we’re actually going to do here.

And fixing this massive problem starts with YOU.

It starts with you taking back your health, virility, vitality, and getting laid.

To be healthy is to be beautiful.

To be beautiful is to get laid.

To get laid is to produce a newer, more conscious generation.

This is a lot of responsibility.

But, if you’re ready to become a healthier, more energized, and more awake version of yourself, and accept this large responsibility, press that big button below and discover how to take back your health:

You practically become a different version of yourself.

And it requires a lot of strength, confidence, and self-esteem to show up as this new person.

Some people aren’t ready for that.

However, if you’re fed up with being at the whim of the law-makers, advertisers, Hollywood execs, and other people of power,

If you’re tired of feeling brain-foggy, lethargic, and lifeless,

If you’re finished playing Russian roulette with your food choices,

RIPPED AT 50 might be right for you...


Yes Troy, I Want To Learn How to Become a Healthier, Happier,
And More Ripped Version of Myself!

Yes Troy, I Want To Learn How to Become a Healthier, Happier,
And More Ripped Version of Myself.